Achievement & Trophy hunting is back for Call of Duty. With Black Ops 6 releasing for free on the game pass, hunting for achievements is back on the menu.
There are 44 achievements worth a total of 1,000 Gamerscore, four of which are secret. In this article, we'll be breaking down how to unlock the 'The Puzzles, Mason' achievement.
This achievement can be completed at any time, as it takes place in the safe house called 'The Rook'. It requires players to complete various puzzles around the house in order to unlock the safe in the upstairs bedroom. Here is how to complete each of the puzzles in order to unlock the 'The Puzzles, Mason' achievement.
To start, head to the back of the house and venture into the yard. There is a rundown garage area that has a list of 'To-dos' that presumably Alder has left. It gives players the tasks they must complete around the safe house including starting the furnace, investigating the piano, and cracking the bedroom safe. From there you can head back into the house towards the main room of the house.
The first task is to get the furnace started. This is the first required puzzle to do because you will not be able to progress further without doing this. In the hallway next to the mission room, there is a door that leads to the basement. Head down stairs and into the second room to find the first puzzle.
On the table is a note containing the clues to how to solve the puzzle. It tells the players that the pilot can't be started due to the boiler leaking water. This means that you must turn off the boiler so that the water doesn't continue leaking, then open the fuel line, and then finally light the pilot.
It is very important to begin by turning off the boiler so that the water will stop flooding. Without doing this first step, the Pilot will continue to fail to light.
Once you have successfully started the furnace, the light will shine a bright green. This means you have completed the first puzzle and can now return to the first floor and head to the piano. By turning on the furnace, you have unlocked an electric door that you must go through later in the walkthrough.
Once you have found the Piano in the back of the house on the first floor, take the black light on the table right next to it. The black light shows the hidden clues located on the piano and around the room.
On the Pianc that is the Russian words for Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do are written above each of the keys on the piano. The puzzle is in which order is the player supposed to hit them. Well to find out, you must leave the piano and look around the room.
Starting right above the Piano, you can see 1 MN, and as you follow the arrows around the room you'll find the next 4 keys to hit. The correct order is MN, Pe, CN, AO, then Pe.
Once you complete the sequence, a secret door next to the piano will open up. This secret pathway leads into a secret bunker level in the basement. At the end of the path is an electric door, which can now be opened thanks to the furnace being turned on.
The next portion of the achievement is the longest, as it requires players to solve numerous puzzles inside of the bunker. Head down into the bunker. It is two hallways in the shape of a plus sign (+). In the middle, you'll find a table with a piece of paper and a door locked by a keypad.
The paper starts to tell the story of the Russians who used the safe house before heading to America as spies. While the papers won't be relevant for the most part, it is an interesting additional storyline. The key piece is the keypad that has a 5-number password. The correct code to enter is 7-6-1-0-2.
Once you unlock the door, you enter into a server room that acts as security for the entire bunker. You must head to the back of the room to find a computer console that will unlock one of the two other locked doors in the bunker.
The console requires you to use the cipher four times to enter the phrases 'Bunker', 'Open', 'Room', and 'Holding'. Once you enter the words, you can exit the console and find the door to the holding room that has now been unlocked.
Once you find the holding room, you enter into a dark, open dungeon-looking room. On the table is a folder that gives a key clue to to solving the next puzzle.
This is the sole time that the paper on the table does help with the clues. It tells the story of the prisoner swallowing the key and having a guard/spy find a way to get the key back.
This gives the clue to head to the next room, which is a makeshift prison cell. The key is located in bloody napkins right next to the chair. Grab the key, and head to the final locked door around the other portion of the hallways.
There will be a secure door that is locked at the end of one of the hallways. The key that was acquired in the holding cell is the key to open the door. Once inside, you'll enter the final puzzle before heading back upstairs.
To start, you'll have to sync the radio's amplitude and frequency in order to start playing a radio message. This message is different for most people, but the important part is to take the keywords that are said. The keywords are objects around the room that have numbers written on them. You can see the numbers with the blacklight.
The start of my message was "There was a love letter taped to the chalkboard, which was hidden behind a makeshift curtain." The keywords in the first part of the phrase were chalkboard and curtain, which gave me my first two numbers, 2 and 0.
The second part of the phrase was "He eyed the woman sitting on the rug as she listened to the sounds of his guitar." While the phrases don't make sense, the key words stand out. In this phrase, it's the rug and guitar that you have to look for around the room. These objects will again, give you one number each and complete a four-digit code. With the code now in hand, you have completed all of the puzzles in the bunker and can head up to the second floor of the safe house.
In one of the upstairs bedrooms, there is a safe located in the corner next to the bed. The four-digit code that you solve in the bunker will be used to unlock the safe. My code was 2-0-8-7, but again the code will be different for users. Once you solve the final puzzles of the bunker, you'll have your code.
Once you input in the code, the safe will open and you'll complete the "Crack the Safehouse Safe" challenge and unlock the 'The Puzzles, Mason' achievement.
While the process is long, the rewards are very good. The achievement is worth 30 gamerscore, one of the biggest achievements in the game. You'll receive $1,000 from the safe that can be used to upgrade your safehouse or to buy perks from those stations. Players will also be given a blueprint to the 'Case Cracker' Knife, which can only be obtained through this process.
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