There are 12 mastery camos in Black Ops 6, each with its own challenges for players to complete based on multiplayer, warzone, and zombies. The second Mastery Camo of Black Ops 6 Warzone is the King's Ransom Camo.
With the new title came 35 new unique weapons including the newly added Krig C & Saug, ranging across nine different weapon categories. While players can use the carried-over weapons to unlock four mastery camos in Warzone, there are also four mastery camos each for multiplayer and zombies. Here is how to get the King's Ransom Camo in Warzone for every single weapon!
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Assault Rifles requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for 7 of the Assault Rifles
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Sub Machine Guns requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for 6 of the Sub Machine Guns
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Shotties requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for both (2) of the Shotguns
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Light Machine Guns requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for all 3 of the Light Machine Guns
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Marksman Rifles requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for all 4 of the Marksman Rifles
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Sniper Rifles requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for all 3 of the Sniper Rifles
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Pistols requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for all 4 of the Pistols
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Launchers requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for both (2) of the Launchers
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
Unlocking King's Ransom Camo for Launchers requires:
Gold Tiger Camo for both (2) of the Melee weapons
Each weapon must complete a challenge: Get 3 kills without dying 5 times
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