How to get Golden Ivory in Modern Warfare 3!


November 13, 2023 5:58 PM

With the release of Modern Warfare 3, all of the weapons from Modern Warfare 2 have been included in the new title. While the 77 weapons from MW2 have the four mastery camos from that title, with the new Zombies mode there are another four mastery camos to unlock.

The first Zombies Mastery camo for the Modern Warfare 2 weapons is the Golden Ivory Camo. To obtain this camo players must complete four base challenges, level up the weapon to a certain amount, and complete the final Golden Ivory Challenge. The final challenge is to get 100 kills in a game and successfully extract from the map. Below are the challenges and camos you'll receive on the way to getting Golden Ivory for each MW2 weapon in Modern Warfare 3.

This is how to get Golden Ivory in Modern Warfare 3!

Assault Rifles


Infected Bark - 250 Kills
Suture - 250 Point Blank Kills
Blister Digital - 250 Kills with Toxic Damage
Spoiled Meat - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Level up weapon to 19


Rancid Venom - 250 Kills
Dark Mist - 200 Critical Kills
Nightmare - 30 Hellhound Kills
Spoiled Meat - 5 Mimic Kills
Level up weapon to 19

STB 556

Dried Blood - 250 Kills
Shaman - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Arterial - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Spoiled Meat - 250 Kills in the Medium or High Threat Zone
Level up weapon to 20

Kastov 762

Nausea - 250 Kills
Festering Wound - 5 Kills without releasing the Trigger 20 times
Permafrost - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Spoiled Meat - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Level up weapon to 20


Moldy Membrane - 250 Kills
Looming Shadow - 10 Kills in 5 seconds 10 times
Tormentor - 250 Hipfire Kills
Final Visage - 50 Mercenary Kills
Level up weapon to 19


Abandoned - 250 Kills
Sacrificial Heart - 30 Hellhound Kills
Oozing Hives - 200 Critical Kills
Solitary - 250 Kills with Toxic Damage
Level up weapon to 17

Iso Hemlock

Ichor Mist - 250 Kills
Macrophage - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Signal Jam - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Faustian Bargain - 10 Disciple Kills
Level up weapon to 26

Tempus Razorback

Boomslang - 250 Kills
Mutation - 30 Hellhound Kills
Hazardous Waste - 250 Kills while in Tac Stance
Hyperacid - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Level up weapon to 21

FR Avancer

Moldy Membrane - 250 Kills
Looming Shadow -
Tormentor -
Final Visage -
Level up weapon to 19


Moldy Membrane - 250 Kills
Looming Shadow -
Tormentor -
Final Visage -
Level up weapon to 19

TR-76 Geist

Gaudy Lesion - 250 Kills
Bleak Visions - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Eviscerated - 250 Kills in the Medium or High Threat Zone
Soul Harvest - 250 Kills with Frost Damage
Level up weapon to 22


Lost Sepulcher - 250 Kills
Phantom - 250 Kills while in Tac Stance
Disorder Digital - 10 Mangler Kills
Heat Death - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Level up weapon to 19


Guttural Shriek - 250 Kills
Maggot Digital - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Tormentor - 200 Critical Kills
Final Visage - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Level up weapon to 15


Torn Asunder - 250 Kills
Mulch Digital - 250 Kills with Frost Damage
Migraine - 5 Mimic Kills
Malpractice - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Level up weapon to 20

Kastov 545

Bloodletting - 250 Kills
Bruised - 250 Hipfire Kills
Drowned Corpse - 250 Kills with Toxic Damage
Drudge Digitial - 250 Kills with full attachments
Level up weapon to 18

Battle Rifles


Disembodied Voices - 250 Kills
Grease Digital - 250 Hipfire Kills
Smoke Plume - 50 Armored Zombie Kills
Emerald - 250 Kills with Fire Damage
Level up weapon to 18

Cronen Squall

Interloper - 250 Kills
Coagulation - 100 Kills shortly after using a Field Upgrade
Sacrifice - 30 Hellhound Kills
Hallucination - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Level up weapon to 25

FTAC Recon

Fossilized - 250 Kills
Meat Hook - 250 Kills with full attachments
Phantasm - 250 Point Blank Kills
Miasma - 200 Critical Kills
Level up weapon to 22


Abrasion - 250 Kills
Noxious Gas - 10 Mangler Kills
Shed Skin - 250 Hipfire Kills
Paranormal - 250 Point Blank Kills
Level up weapon to 20


Voodoo - 250 Kills
Kiln - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Tormentor - 100 Kills in a single match
Final Visage - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Level up weapon to 21

Submachine Guns

Lachmann Shroud

Sickly - 250 Kills
Perforated - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Plague Heart - 250 Point Blank Kills
Final Visage - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Level up weapon to 11

ISO 9mm

Sanguine - 250 Kills
Coalesce - 100 Kills shortly after using a Field Upgrade
Tsunami - 200 Critical Kills
Summit - 100 Kills in a single match
Level up weapon to 12

PDSW 528

Creeping Death - 250 Kills
Dehydrate - 5 Kills without releasing the trigger 20 times
Membrane - 200 Critical Kills
Ghoulish - 50 Mercenary Kills
Level up weapon to 29

Vel 46

Pustule Digital - 250 Kills
Chewed Organs - 10 Mangler Kills
Charred - 10 Disciple Kills
Final Visage - 250 Point Blank Kills
Level up weapon to 28

Fennec 45

Conglomerate - 250 Kills
Waterlogged - 5 Mimic Kills
Tattered Cloak - 50 Armored Zombie Kills
Buckshot - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Level up weapon to 26


Blood Streaks - 250 Kills
Spore Digital - 10 Disciple Kills
Ethereal Stench - 250 Kills in medium or High-threat zones
Forsaken - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Level up weapon to 16

Iso 45

Somber River - 250 Kills
Burial Ground - 250 Kills while in Tac Stance
Masquerade - 250 Kills with Fire Damage
Finality - 250 Kills with Frost Damage
Level up weapon to 19

Lachmann Sub

Scarecrow - 250 Kills
Hoarfrost Digital - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Cataclysm - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Blood Stone - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Level up weapon to 18

FSS Hurricane

Dark Seer - 250 Kills
Rash - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Endless Dirge - 250 Point Blank Kills
Shiver - 250 Kills while in Tac Stance
Level up weapon to 14


Impending Storm - 250 Kills
Leviathan Digital - 250 Point Blank Kills
Infested Hollow - 250 Kills in medium or High-threat zones
Sullied Spirits - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Level up weapon to 16


Ribcage - 250 Kills
Flayed Snake - 250 Kills with full attachments
Contagion Digital - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Vile Petrichor - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Level up weapon to 14


Gruel Digital - 250 Kills
Endemic - 250 Hipfire Kills
Slag - 200 Critical Kills
Treasure Hoard - 50 Mercenary Kills
Level up weapon to 13


Lockwood 300

Cursed Forest - 250 Kills
Diseased Beast - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Cracked Vessel - 250 Kills with Fire Damage
Gourd - 250 Point Blank Kills
Level up weapon to 27

Expedite 12

Scorched Ash - 250 Kills
Crushed Bone - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Inferno - 250 Kills with Frost Damage
Rigor Mortis - 250 Hipfire Kills
Level up weapon to 29

Bryson 800

Blighted - 250 Kills
Defile - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Watery Grave - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Sinew - Kill 50 Armored Zombies
Level up weapon to 20

KV Broadside

Myrtle - 250 Kills
Hermit - 250 Kills with Fire Damage
Butchered - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Paranoiac - 250 Kills while in Tac Stance
Level up weapon to 21

MX Guardian

Arborescent - 250 Kills
Hidden Patterns - 10 Disciple Kills
Murky Skies - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Trenchant - 250 Kills with full attachments
Level up weapon to 19

Bryson 890

Corrosive Digital - 250 Kills
Sacrament - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Cauterized - 5 Mimic Kills
Wasteland - 250 Kills with Toxic Damage
Level up weapon to 21

Light Machine Guns

Sakin MG38

Carbuncle - 250 Kills
Mausoleum - 100 Kills shortly after using a Field Upgrade
Ghostly - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Death Digital - 100 Kills in a single match
Level up weapon to 19


Sinister Ghoul - 250 Kills
Incarnate - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Mangy Innards - Kill 50 Armored Zombies
Twisted - 250 Kills with Toxic Damage
Level up weapon to 27

556 Icarus

Bile - 250 Kills
Bone Marrow - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Catacomb - 5 Mimic Kills
Final Visage - 5 Kills without releasing the trigger 20 times
Level up weapon to 15


Headless Viper - 250 Kills
Occult Digit - 5 Kills without releasing the trigger 20 times
Gravesite - 10 Kills in 5 seconds 10 times
Final Visage - 10 Disciple Kills
Level up weapon to 18

HCR 56

Caged Terror - 250 Kills
Imprisoned - 250 Kills in medium or High-threat zones
End Times - 250 Kills with full attachments
Cosmic - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Level up weapon to 18


Cut Circulation - 250 Kills
Brain Fog - 200 Critical Kills
Hydra - 250 Kills with Frost Damage
Numb - Kill 50 Armored Zombies
Level up weapon to 18

Marksman Rifles


Mold Digital - 250 Kills
Spitfire - 10 Disciple Kills
Poison Dak - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Death Roll - Kill 50 Armored Zombies
Level up weapon to 14

SP-4 208

Wretched Hollow - 250 Kills
Viscera Digital - 250 Kills with full attachments
Eternal Rest - 30 Hellhound Kills
Laceration - 100 Kills in a single match
Level up weapon to 14

Lockwood MK2

Cursed Serpent - 250 Kills
Toxoid - 250 Kills with Fire Damage
Dart Frog - 250 Hipfire Kills
Vitriol - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Level up weapon to 28

Tempus Torrent

Distressed - 250 Kills
Afflicted - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Bottomless Void - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Dyspnea - 250 Kills while in Tac Stance
Level up weapon to 17


Severed - 250 Kills
Swamp - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Acid Rain - 10 Mangler Kills
Braindead - Kill 50 Armored Zombies
Level up weapon to 17


Hemorrhage Digital - 250 Kills
Abhorrent - 250 Kills while in Tac Stance
Marooned Joy - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Hemlock - 200 Critical Kills
Level up weapon to 12

SA-B 50

Plague Digital - 250 Kills
Necrosis - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Flatline - 10 Mangler Kills
River Gravel - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Level up weapon to 20


Psychopomp - 250 Kills
Sycophantism - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Tormentor - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Final Visage - 50 Mercenary Kills
Level up weapon to 25

Sniper Rifles


Sarcophagus - 250 Kills
Pack Hunter - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Mucus - 3 Kills with a single shot 30 times
Final Visage - 50 Mercenary Kills
Level up weapon to 26

Signal 50

Rough Ticket - 250 Kills
Decomposition - 200 Critical Kills
Tormentor - 250 Kills with Toxic Damage
Specter - 100 Kills in a single match
Level up weapon to 23

Victus XMR

Evoke Darkness - 250 Kills
Putrefied - 200 Critical Kills
Amputate - 250 Kills with Frost Damage
Infested Waters - 250 Kills with full attachments
Level up weapon to 26

FJX Imperium

Stachybotrys - 250 Kills
Spirit Guide - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Shimmering Lure - 3 Kills with a single shot 30 times
Mortal Wound - 200 Critical Kills
Level up weapon to 26

Carrack .300

Scratch Marks - 250 Kills
Shipwreck - 200 Critical Kills
Congealed - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Abscess - 10 Kills without reloading 10 times
Level up weapon to 18

LA-B 330

Kaiju - 250 Kills
Uncanny - 3 Kills with a single shot 30 times
Blood Moon - 250 Kills with Frost Damage
Seance - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Level up weapon to 21

SP-X 80

Tooth & Claw - 250 Kills
Locust - 100 Kills shortly after using a Field Upgrade
Pollution - 20 Consecutive Kills 10 times with no damage
Tartarus - 10 Disciple Kills
Level up weapon to 18


Riot Shield

IV Drip - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 11



Smudging - 250 Kills
Open Sores - 50 Mercenary Kills
Surge Digital - 10 Kills in 5 seconds 10 times
Binary Death - 100 Kills with enemies affected by your Tactical
Level up weapon to 26

.50 GS

Rat Cage - 250 Kills
Tarragon - 250 Kills at Rare or higher Rarity
Hemocyte - 10 Mangle Kills
Chromatism - 250 Kills with Fire Damage
Level up weapon to 26


Rot Digital - 250 Kills
Radiation - 250 Kills while having at least 4 Perks
Molten - 50 Mercenary Kills
Weeping - 250 Hipfire Kills
Level up weapon to 19


Grim Portent - 250 Kills
Frigid - 100 Kills shortly after using a Field Upgrade
Dredge - 100 Kills in a single Match
Iron Hammer - Kill 50 Armored Zombies
Level up weapon to 28

FTAC Siege

Dark Clouds - 250 Kills
Mummified - 250 Point Blank Kills
Mired - 100 Kills in a single Match
Magnetic Field - 50 Mercenary Kills
Level up weapon to 25

GS Magna

Shackled - 250 Kills
Cadaver - 250 Hipfire Kills
Crystallized - 5 Kills without releasing the trigger 10 times
Brined Entrails - 250 Kills with Electric Damage
Level up weapon to 19

9mm Daemon

Desolation - 250 Kills
Condemned - Kill 50 Armored Zombies
Fate Mirror - 10 Mangler Kills
Zeal - 250 Kills with Toxic Damage
Level up weapon to 21

X13 Auto

Ectoplasm - 250 Kills
Writhe Digital - 200 Critical Kills
Diamond Eye - 250 Hipfire Kills
Delirious - 250 Point Blank Kills
Level up weapon to 21



Embalmed - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 11


Foul Scab - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 11


Blood Digital - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 11


Penumbra - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 11



Consumed - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 2

Combat Knife

Malignant - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 11

Dual Kodachis

Lost Souls - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 14

Dual Kamas

Flooded - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 14


Poached - 250 Kills
Level up weapon to 11

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