The Vaznev-9k has unleashed the best SMG players this season to make plays all over the map. The pressure that players have been able to put on the map have allowed teams to take total control and free up superstar players to make highlight plays.
Each of the players on this list have very different styles of play, whether its unrelenting aggression or methodical play in SnD, these are the best SMG players in the League.
Here are the top 5 SMG players of the Modern Warfare II season after five stages of play!
How the players were ranked : We asked coaches from all twelve CDL franchises to rank the best SMG players from the Modern Warfare II season. All twelve coaches gave us rankings going from 1st to 5th. After collecting the rankings, each player would be given points for each vote, as seen below:
1st – 5 points
2nd – 4 points
3rd – 3 points
4th – 2 points
5th – 1 point
Max points a player could net is 50
Total Voting Points : 56 points
Previous Ranking : 4th
Team Record : 31-17 series record, 112-77 map count
Team CDL Points : 320 points (3rd)
Tournament Results : Raleigh Major I (1st), Boston Major II (Top 8), Texas Major III (Top 12), Ohio Major IV (4th), Boston Major II (1st)
KD : 1.17
TES : 59.1%
Slayer Rating : 90.41
KD : 1.20
Kills per 10 minutes : 25.1
Hill Time per 10 minutes : 42.0
Damage per 10 minutes : 2848.0
KD : 1.27
Kills per round : 0.86
First Blood Percentage : 54.5%
KD : 1.09
Kills per 10 minutes : 21.1
Ticks capped per ATK RD : 1.3
Damage per 10 minutes : 2499.0
Total Voting Points : 52 points
Previous Ranking : 1st
Team Record : 31-16 series record, 112-81 map count
Team CDL Points : 385 points (1st)
Tournament Results : Raleigh Major I (3rd), Boston Major II (1st), Texas Major III (3rd), Ohio Major IV (3rd), Boston Major II (2nd)
KD : 1.06
TES : 57.6%
Slayer Rating : 83.48
KD : 1.00
Kills per 10 minutes : 22.2
Hill Time per 10 minutes : 55.0
Damage per 10 minutes : 2602.2
KD : 1.23
Kills per round : 0.85
First Blood Percentage : 54.1%
KD : 1.10
Kills per 10 minutes : 19.2
Ticks capped per ATK RD : 1.9
Damage per 10 minutes : 2200.0
Total Voting Points : 17 points
Previous Ranking : 3rd
Team Record : 18-21 series record, 75-80 map count
Team CDL Points : 190 points (8th)
Tournament Results : Raleigh Major I (2nd), Boston Major II (Top 12), Texas Major III (Top 6), Ohio Major IV (Top 8), Boston Major II (Top 12)
KD : 1.16
TES : 58.8%
Slayer Rating : 88.18
KD : 1.13
Kills per 10 minutes : 24.0
Hill Time per 10 minutes : 34.2
Damage per 10 minutes : 2772.5
KD : 1.26
Kills per round : 0.88
First Blood Percentage : 59.3%
KD : 1.17
Kills per 10 minutes : 20.9
Ticks capped per ATK RD : 1.2
Damage per 10 minutes : 2416.3
Total Voting Points : 16 points
Previous Ranking : 6th
Team Record : 31-16 series record, 112-81 map count
Team CDL Points : 385 points (1st)
Tournament Results : Raleigh Major I (Top 6), Boston Major II (2nd), Texas Major III (Top 8), Ohio Major IV (1st), Boston Major II (2nd)
KD : 1.02
TES : 56.8%
Slayer Rating : 80.39
KD : 1.01
Kills per 10 minutes : 22.0
Hill Time per 10 minutes : 65.3
Damage per 10 minutes : 2653.3
KD : 1.16
Kills per round : 0.79
First Blood Percentage : 58.2%
KD : 0.99
Kills per 10 minutes : 17.8
Ticks capped per ATK RD : 2.6
Damage per 10 minutes : 2145.0
Total Voting Points : 16 points
Previous Ranking : 2nd
Team Record : 30-15 series record, 101-76 map count
Team CDL Points : 320 points (2nd)
Tournament Results : Raleigh Major I (Top 12), Boston Major II (4th), Texas Major III (2nd), Ohio Major IV (2nd), Toronto Major II (Top 12)
KD : 1.04
TES : 56.8%
Slayer Rating : 82.03
KD : 1.07
Kills per 10 minutes : 23.6
Hill Time per 10 minutes : 48.3
Damage per 10 minutes : 2704.3
KD : 1.03
Kills per round : 0.73
First Blood Percentage : 50.0%
KD : 1.00
Kills per 10 minutes : 18.8
Ticks capped per ATK RD : 1.9
Damage per 10 minutes : 2244.2
Others receiving votes:
Envoy: 11 points
CleanX: 7 points
KiSMET: 4 points
Huke : 1 point
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