Best ASG-89 Loadouts and Class Guide in Black Ops 6


November 8, 2024 5:15 PM

Crafting the best loadout in Black Ops 6 is essential to play at your best. For players looking to play aggressively & dominate short-range engagements, the ASG-89 shotgun is a go-to weapon in both Zombies & Multiplayer.

The ASG-89 is the lone semi-automatic shotgun in BO6 that is not pump action. It can deal large amounts of damage in a short period of time, making it a great weapon to use in many of the objective game modes. With the best class and on the right map, this weapon can drive your opponents to the brink of insanity.

With the current meta and mapset in Black Ops 6, Assault & Marksmen Rifles are very powerful and can be effectively used on every map. Although those classes are favored, each of the remaining weapon classes can shine with the right loadouts. It is vital to find the right attachments, perks, and equipment to allow you to shine on the map. Below, you’ll find the best ASG-89 loadout in Black Ops 6, how to unlock it, and the ideal class setup to complement it.

How to unlock the ASG-89 & how good is it in Black Ops 6

The ASG-89 is unlocked towards the middle of the level progression, making it a great weapon to permanent unlock after prestiging. It is the second weapon in the shotgun category to be unlocked, requiring players just to reach level thirty one.

Available: Unlocked at Player Level 31

"Semi-automatic shotgun. Capable of taking down multiple targets in quick succession thanks to its decent magazine size and solid rate of fire."

The ASG-89 is the best shotgun within Black Ops 6 overall. It is the best weapon period in zombies, giving you a weapon that is on-par with the wonder weapons when pack-a-punched. In multiplayer, it is a hard hitting weapon that is capable of locking down tight corridors with the right classes. Below are the complete weapon statistics for the ASG-89:



Camos for the ASG-89 Black Ops 6

Each weapon within Black Ops 6 has nine Military Camos, two Special Camos, and four Mastery camos for both multiplayer and zombies.

The Military Camos for multiplayer are unlocked by headshot kills, requiring 100 to completely finish the category. In Zombies, players must get 2,000 critical kills in order to complete the Military Camos in that mode.

The Special Camos are:

Night Terror Camo: Get 30 Point Blank Kills with the ASG-89
Drive-In Camo: Get 50 Kills while moving with the ASG-89

Dream Eater Camo: Kill 100 Enemies affected by your Tactical Equipment with the ASG-89
Coin-OP Camo: Get 30 Parasite Eliminations with the ASG-89

To complete the Mastery Camos, we have a complete guide to each. They include Gold, Diamond, Dark Spine, and Dark Matter in multiplayer. In Zombies, the Mastery Camos are Mystic Gold, Opal, Afterlife, and Nebula.

Best Low-Level Class Setup for the ASG-89 in Black Ops 6

In Black Ops 6, players don't have to fully level up the ASG-89 in order to unlock all of the camos or to build a good weapon class. Below is a great low-level class setup for the ASG-89:

Barrle: Long Barrel
Underbarrel: Lightweight Foregrip
Laser: Steady Aim Laser
Rear Grip: Assault Grip
Stock: Light Stock

How to get the Dark Spine Camo

Best Pubs Class Setup for the ASG-89 in Black Ops 6

What is the best class build for the ASG-89 for public matches? We have you covered with a build that uses just attach 5 attachments, allowing for multiple different wildcards to be used. This build brings out the best characteristics of the weapon in the great mobility and handling when cutting across the map. Here are the attachments:

Muzzle: Ported Compensator
Barrel: Long Barrel
Underbarrel: Vertical Foregrip
Optic: Kepler Microflex
Rear Grip: Ergonomic Grip
Magazine: Extended Mag I
Stock: Balanced Stock
Fire Mods: Recoil Springs

How to get the Dark Matter Camo

Best Zombies Class Setup for the ASG-89 in Black Ops 6

Zombies has made its great return in Black Ops 6, having two maps to play currently in Terminus & Liberty Falls, but more are coming. The ASG-89 is best weapon use when combining the CHF Barrel (Extra headshot damage), Target Laser, and Rapid Fire Mod. Here is the full build for the ASG-89 Zombies Class:

Muzzle: Suppressor
Barrel: CHF Barrel
Underbarrel: Ranger Foregrip
Laser: Target Laser
Optic: Kepler Microflex
Rear Grip: Ergonomic Grip
Stock: Balanced Stock
Fire Mods: Rapid Fire

How to get the Mystic Gold Camo

Interested in more Black Ops 6 content? Check out the Black Ops 6 Hub with articles on competitive class guides for SMGs, competitive AMES 85 Classes, or guides for the campaign including completing the safehouse puzzles and other achievements.

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